
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Another Cryptic Casebook Review by Flip

It's Flip again with another Cryptic Casebook - The Quivering Quavers by Ursula Dubosarsky.

In this book Ernesto tries to write Ps and they were upside down and looked like quivering quavers. That was bad because La Bella Cucharita was scared of 4 quivering quavers. Coco Carlomagno and his cousin Alberta were there to solve the mystery.

My favourite part was the message to Alberta at the beginning because Coco used musical things as clues in the message. There were other puzzles and clues in the book to solve too.

A funny part was when La BC sent her assistant with a message but he spelled each letter as a word instead of a letter and everyone was confused.

I think that kids 5-18 would enjoy this book

Details - Allen and Unwin July 2014, $9.99 AU, available as an ebook

thanks very much to A&U for sending me this book to review.

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