
Monday, May 19, 2014

Our Lego Party

Of course there are multitudes of people who have had Lego parties and done them exceptionally well. This is our one. Many of these games I found online and you have only to search pinterest for Lego parties to get a whole host of ideas.

I tended to hit the theme with the activities. We were going to do the chocolate game but Flip got a bit upset because it's too hard to cut the chocolate and I thought to myself - dude (yes I do talk to myself this way) it's his party why play a game he doesn't like?

 we did inside games:

- guess the Lego in the jar

- lego memory game - 20 pieces, 2 minutes to observe and then see how many you can remember (write or draw the pieces). They seemed to love this game.

- lego building collaboration - roll the dice and take the set number of lego from the box and add them to the group build in 30 seconds

- back to back Lego - all the children were given an identical bag of lego pieces and a theme like 'school', 'tall' or 'fast' and 45secs to 1.30 mins to make something using their pieces then show them to each other. The variety was awesome.

- mini figure madness - pick legs, then a body, then a head (the bowls went round in a circle), build your person and give them a crazy name.

and outside games:

- lego treasure hunt, find little lego 'faces' stuck around the courtyard.

- lego toss - lego shaped erasers thrown into little cups that each have a point value

and food

and cake - a number 8 made from cupcakes with icing and blue chocolate lego men that I made from my silicon moulds.

I also made crayons for the wee treaty bags :o) I did warn them twice not to eat those ones when they got home. I think they all had a good time.

and running about (which I don't usually leave time for - I'm working on being a little more chilled out instead of running them like a military operation).

I had other games as well but time started to run out - not that I want to do longer than 2 hours, as far as I feel it's plenty.

The food was very relaxed I did think about going all themey with the food like I did for Bounce's teddy party last year but in the end I wasn't convinced couldn't be bothered.

and now I have a child who will be 8 tomorrow! The years are fast. And when I had a little baby I thought 8 sounded quite grown up and big (and a little scary) but I'm pleased to report it's still pretty small really, and it likes cuddles and being read to. Actually I think 8 is pretty great!

love you more than a party that is over xxx

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