
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

MMM week two

Confession I forgot to take one photo this week so I'll sub it in with a photo of the dress from last year when I made it.

May 7
Another New Look 6805 - in a variety of fabrics. Worn with a little op-shop cardi I picked up. Shoes also opshopped. Necklace one I bought from an antique shop about 13 years ago.

May 8
A dress I made a while ago from some fabric scraps I was given. It's a bit clingy in the wrong places but it's super comfy and I love the colour. The necklace has 2 silver pendant/charms on it - one I got from my grandmother when I was about 8.

May 9
Today was teaming with rain so I wore my only (literally, including sweatpants!) trousers - a pair of ezibuy jeans. Top made up about 8 years ago. I love the print and it is super easy to wear. Beads from an second hand shop.

We also went out for a friend's brithday on Friday night so I wore this dress which I made last year. Coupled with some glassons tights and rubi shoes.

May 10
forgot to take a photo but I wore New Look 6000 in fabric I was given from someone else.

May 11
Not a great colour representation because I almost forgot to take a photo again! This is not an actual Me Make as much as a me-make-over - it started it's life as a plus size t-shirt style dress in an op-shop. Socks from glassons and shoes from trade-me.

May 12
This is my second (of 3) May make, as I promised! Made from 3 x $1 shirts I felt so comfy wearing this. Worn with my cathedral bus route necklace and the super comfortable Dr Martin boots The Atlas bought me before we left NZ. (More about this tomorrow)

May 13
This old faithful! Another variation of the New Look 6805 pattern. (I have made this pattern at least 6 times!). Worn with my 'travellers necklace' featuring a plane, boat and train all in plastic. Shoes from trade me.

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