
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Me Made May - the next installment

We I only missed one day of photos this week so not too bad :o)

A few outfit repeats this week and a new dress which I'll tell you more about another time but it makes 4 clothing makes for me this month! Yay me. Yes also I am going crazy taking photos of myself and I am wearing my slippers on 2 days, but I don't go out in them, okay? Also I pretty much didn't wear any make up this week either.... yeah I'm pretty inspiring right?

May 21
Yes this is the day I forgot but this is the dress I wore - with different shoes, hair, tights.... anyway. Just squint your eyes up okay?

May 22  - This is a New Look Project Runway pattern I borrowed from my sister last year. I adore the fabric. It's a little shorter than I usually go for and I wish I made the the sleeves roomer but I love it anyway.

May 23 - You've seen this one last week - do excuse the slightly crazy look and pose!

May 24 - my stretch dress - superb photo don't you think???

May 25 - this is my new dress - the fabric has been cut out and ready to go for nearly a year!! Finally made, so pleased to have this out of the 'must be done' pile.

May 26 - this is one of the wee kimono t-shirts I made over summer and it's the first time I've worn it. The denim skirt is one I made nearly 8 years ago.

May 27 - The new dress worn to look like a skirt with a glassons cardi with embroidered flowers that lovely Louana sent me.

Phew! Nearly at end of May. Have you done MMM? How much of your wardrobe is handmade?

love you more than a photo shoot done by a professional xxx

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