
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Make My Week - Stamps

I do like stamps and I've wanted to have a go making some of my own but I didn't really want to spend too much on a fancy chisel for my 70cent rubbers when I might not ever make more than one!

However, the other day I was walking past the Kawaii (everything $2.80 Japanese shop) and they had a set of chisels in the window. Given that I am carving up super cheap rubbers and not planning to become professional I felt these would do the trick.

Here are the results. Rainbow cloud

and houses

I'm rather pleased with myself actually and the boys wanted to join in too so I let them design their own as well. They both had a go with the chisels (with some supervision), yes they slipped a bit and it was a bit too tricky for Bounce's design so I finished his off for him. I do like to let them have a go as much as possible. Living in the inner city they don't get a lot of leash to roam and explore alone so letting them have a go with tools (kitchen or craft) and develop a sense of competence that way is important to me.

Here are their ones. Yes we did get messy and inky in the process.

I think I like the houses best - especially when I stamped them all in a line. I think it would make a nice page header for personalised stationery. Don't you think?

Joining in here with the delectable Leonie and other luscious creatives

 Show & Tell Thursday's

love you more than a spontaneous family craft event xxx

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