
Friday, May 23, 2014

A Little Bit of Wonderful Colour Swap

Although winter doesn't seem to be coming here in Adelaide any time soon, I do think of winter being a little colour lacking so I thought maybe a colour kiss by way of an easy swap could be in order?

I'm calling it 'a little bit of wonderful', you know like a wee unexpected burst of colour on a dreary, cold day. You don't have to be a crafter to participate in this swap.

This is a colour based swap. You will get an email with your partners details and some of their favourite colours. Your challenge is to choose one colour they love and base all your items around that colour. (As much as you can - creative license is okay!)

Please include 3 or more items in the swap (they can be handmade, or thrifted - if your partner is into thrifted stuff please check, or bought all shiny and new).

Also you must include something to inspire them - a note from you, a quote or poem you love, a link to a song you love or a copy of a story that makes you smile.

Feel a bit too open ended? If so here are some ideas to get you started:
Stationery - sitckers, note paper, pencils, washi tape....
Treats - sweets, chocolate bars, soup sachets, spice mixes
Creative - ribbons, buttons, ric rac or something you have made, cookie cutters and a favourite recipe
Winter Pick Me Up - seeds to plant in spring, a mixed 'tape', cute socks, soap, nail polish, candles .....

Price guide is $20 (excluding postage) but you are welcome to get creative and spend less if you want to. Please keep it around this mark though and don't go too far over or throw something together for $5 - we don't want receivers to feel embarassed or disappointed.

These are the rules
- Open to Aus and NZ only to keep postage manageable
- Sign ups start May 25th and close June 10th.
- you will get your partners name, answers and postal address by the 20th of June and need to have your parcel sent by 30th of June.

please only sign up if you are genuinely excited by the idea of making a 'wee bit of wonderful' parcel for someone

To sign up please leave your name and email address in a comment and I will email you a form to fill out. If you don't fill the form out and email it back I won't be able to pop you in, as your partner will need these details.

Thanks to Cat the swap queen for her lovely input - I hope I do you proud :o) I tried to make a button but I couldn't get it to work so here is the picture instead :o) x - somethings never change!

love you more than shopping for someone wonderful xxxx

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