
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

More Reading - Delicious!

Delicious! Is one of those lovely chic-lit novels that you can munch your way through in a day or two. It's all about food and the little hidden places in a city (New York) that make city living so appealing.

The story follows Billie who has landed her dream job as a food writer. As she works she comes into contact with a caste of gorgeous food loving characters who are well realised and delightfully quirky. She also embarks on her own journey of facing up to things in her own life and allowing herself to be honest with herself and with her heart.

The author Ruth Reichl, is herself a cookbook writer, food critic and has been an editor-in-chief for Gourmet magazine, so you can imagine there are plenty of wonderful foodie scenes in the book. This is her first novel but I think it's well written and fun to read. The narrative keeps moving and includes some extra mysteries to keep the pace moving along.

Being that I love books about food I would be happy to read other novels she writes and I'm keen to look up some of her cookbooks now too. An enjoyable read with romance, food, mystery and lovable characters... what's not to enjoy?

details - Allen and Unwin, April 2014 RRP$ 29.99 Aus also available as an ebook.

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