
Friday, March 21, 2014

What I'm Reading - Safe With Me and a giveaway

Okay so here's another book I literally ate up. One afternoon and evening and I was done. I think perhaps I am a fast reader?

Safe With Me by Amy Hatvany

Anyway, this book is new to hit the stores this month. It's the story of 3 women - 2 mothers, 1 daughter and the way their lives, tragedies and secrets become entangled in each other. This books deals with some very big themes - losing a child, domestic violence and organ donation. Technically it's an easy read but emotionally it isn't. Having never faced any of these personally I still found myself really upset for the characters in parts of the story.

The author I think, does them justice though. She presents them as rounded, multifaceted issues forcing the reader to think about how that could be them, rather than making judgement calls from the sideline. In parts it gets heart pumping and edge-of-the-seat, I-wish-I-could-read faster ish.

The 3 characters Hannah, Olivia and Maddie take chapters in a turn-about fashion and so the story moves from one character to the next, fully engaging you with her tale until you move onto the threads of the next person.

I think this is a book that many women would relate to. It is at its heart about relationships, particularly that of a mother and daughter and how we make decisions based on the important people in our lives. It also identifies the need in all of us to be in relationships where we can be truly ourselves and how healing this is.

This is the first book I've read by Amy Hatvany, but she has also written Heart Like Mine. Judging by this book would be happy to read anything else she wrote. Also I love that in her author bio it says this 'In 1998, Amy finally decided to sell her car, quit her job, and take a chance on writing books.' I always love it when people go all out for their dreams.

The good news is, thanks to postal issues, I have ended up with 2 copies of this book so Allen and Unwin said I am allowed to give my extra copy away. I know!! Whoop :o) If you think you need something to read and this sounds like it - leave me a comment and tell me one author you think is always spot on. Giveaway open for a week or so.

Details - Publisher Allen & Unwin, 1 March 2014. Sold wherever you find your favourite books. :o) RRP
$29.99 Aus

love you more than a parcel in the mail xxx

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