In terms of the pattern I cut a 12 but added about (I guessed with my eyes) an inch to the bottom of the bodice piece. I sewed it all with 1cm seams instead of 1.5 because I'm a bit bigger than a 12 but I wanted a close fit.
I took miles off the bottom because it was a bad length on me (mid-calf when you have very strong calves...not a great look) and the Little House on the Prairieness of the fabric was singing its song loudly at that length as well.
Sorry about the bra straps flash - that would be my camera man not letting me know they were out. Also I am wearing my new-to-me shoes from goodwill, I rather like them suede and patent, yes please.
Overall I'm pretty happy. I think the straps at the front could be a little further spaced but it was pretty easy to throw together. I took your suggestions and went for the fuller skirt. I would quite like to make the pencil skirt option some time too.
Also, yes I died my hair orange. It's a semi permenant and already starting to fade (when the packet says 3-30 washes you don't hold out a lot of hope!). The Atlas really isn't loving it, I'm a bit mixed - now that it's faded I quite like the golden glow but it's probably not a great match to this fabric. I do really like the colour it's made my hair I'm just not sure if it's a good colour for me. If you have an opinion do share I'm pretty relaxed about the yes or no, I don't actually mind (if you were talking about my personality that won't just wash out I'd take it personally of course!). Hair disasters aye? they take me right back to my spiral perm at 11 - now that was a bad look!
Joining in with crafty lovelies here

love you more than a pattern that's too small to pattern-match xxx