
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Fun Things Happening for Creative Types

So I signed up for the international stitched postcard swap, here's a sneak peak of mine in process. I only saw this one the night it closed so it's a bit late for encouraging you to get involved but!

I have found 2 other things some of you might like.

Trimmings Competition: This is run by an Adelaide! fabric printing company who makes delicious and conscious fabrics (more about them another time) and has this cool competition for using scraps to make anything that takes your fancy. You buy a bag of their scraps and make something, and there are prizes!
image from their blog

Also this amazing fabric company in the UK whose fabrics are all ethical and diverse has a competition running as well across 5 blogs to pitch your idea and then each finalist gets sent the fabric to make their item for final judging. There are more details on this lovely blog as well as links to the others.

So what are you sewing at the moment?

I'm looking forward to the Australian Sewing Guild's stash busting fringe event coming up soon.... yes I am :o)

Love you more than inspiration everywhere xxxx

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