
Tuesday, February 25, 2014


When we moved into our place here we had a furnished house with an unfurnished kitchen and linen cupboard. The car free life and the fact we wanted to eat breakfast the next morning meant we couldn't op-shop everything but I have been picking up bits and pieces as I have found new op-shops.

This was my first op-shopping trip.

We didn't buy any mugs originally because neither of us drink hot drinks but we knew we'd need them eventually. I love the glaze on these ones and their shape. (And the fact they are unlikely to show tea stains which is a particular bugbear for me!)

The cushion was too nice to leave behind and the white thing is a soap dish for the downstairs bathroom to contain the soap scum I have to clean off the sink every week.

The next opshop was super cheap and I got a couple more mugs, 3 mens shirts which I have a project in mind for, a couple of pieces of fabric (ahem), a table cloth, and a nice glass jug as well as a wee ring dish for in the kitchen when I'm baking and one my chest of drawers. The lovely green one is holding salt now and the little blue one is for treasures like feathers that we discover, it sits on the table.

The clock you have seen the before and after of already.

These scarves are going to be sewn together to wear over dresses when I am biking, like a poncho - they look a bit geeky but they'll keep my decolletage from being burnt to a crisp and they'll bundle into my bag light and small.

Joining in with Max and other op-shoppers.

love you more than the feeling of silk xxx

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