
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Make My Week - Inside Out

If you've had the misfortune of seeing any of my crafting up close you'll know that I don't subscribe to the school of thought that believes things should look as good on the inside as the do on the outside.

actually, mine often look pretty messy on the outside too so maybe I do subscribe to that school of thought??

Bounce was invited to a birthday last week! (I know, so friendly of them) and I wanted to make something so I rummaged in my tiny (promise!) craft draw and found some calico and black thread I bought over, asked what the birthday boy's favourite colour (red) and animal (red backed spider, or a dog) were and used those as my inspiration.

Then I popped to spotlight and grabbed some red thread and a cushion inner.

I free-hand drew the dog and stitched around it.... and it actually looked very tidy on the inside too! I include a photo for evidence. Of course the final photo of it has disappeared but I assure you it was ironed and a proper cushion.

Bounce was happy to give it and birthday mum said birthday boy took it to bed to cuddle that night so I feel it was a success.

joining in with wonderful talents over here

 Show & Tell Thursday's

have you voted on which pattern I should make? Please do, I'm going with a majority rule.

love you more than a present made from the smallest of ideas and still well received xxx

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