
Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Here I stand at the edge of a brand new year, holding my breath.

Hoping not to make a false start.

I wanted to start this new year with my favourite image from last year.

Last full school assembly, Flip and Bounce invited up to be prayed for as they left and they stood there holding hands, heads bowed, united - my sweet, sweet little ones. So loving, little hearts filled with faith... and I allow myself in these moments to be so proud of the people they are, so blessed by their presence in my life.

I know I'll have other words for the year but as we look to leave these shores in a week these are the words echoing in my heart as I treasure this image.




these are the things I hope for most as we embark on such an unknown venture.

May 2014 bring us all good new adventures and may we find a strong sense of whanau in the people who surround us, may we stand united in challenges and triumphs and may we have strength of character, strength of heart and a faith that anchors us unswerving in all things.

Love you more than a resolution achieved xxx

(I'll hopefully post a couple of catch up posts from 2013 - project 52, advent swap and make my week - nothing like tying up loose ends!!) x

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