
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

We Recommend - Making A Difference

Sometimes it all becomes a little overwhelming this Christmas shopping and want, want, want and should have, must have culture.

When you feel like the person on the other end of your gift isn't really fussed here or there about the gift, or when they own everything they need and want, or when the thought of having to come up with one more idea is one idea too many....

how about a gift that changes someone else?

A few different places do these kind of gifts and I like the idea of matching a person up to a passion.
child fund, tear fund, world vision, oxfam, save the children - are all easy choices

A gift of 3 orchard trees for an avid gardener and giver of their own produce

school supplies for the person who believes in learning

a malaria net for the constant hypochondriac in your life (perhaps don't tell them I said that, but hey let's provide a solution for someone who actually needs one!).

Want to do something closer to home? How about a magazine subscription for their local SPCA, Doctor, Hairdresser (somewhere else they spend a lot of time waiting), give it on their behalf and they are instantly client of the year.

New books for a local school library (check if they have a wishlist) with a 'donated by' card in the front.

A lovely soap for them and a set for the local shelter or city mission.

A cake on their behalf to road-workers, charity shop workers, cancer society, fire fighters, the police....

but don't leave it at the gesture  get your kids to draw a picture of the recipient and how it makes them feel,

and tell them why you did it,

a card that says
' I wanted to make an impact this Christmas the way you impact me. Maybe you don't realise that I'm watching but I am. Because of your generous, thoughtful, kind (insert appropriate descriptor here) nature I wanted to pay that same thing forward. In your name I have ....... because I love you, because you inspire me, because you change the world.'

How could that not cheer someone on Christmas day?

Do you do 'make a difference' styles of pressies'?

We Recommend for Christmas 
our posts about genuinely lovely things

Create Hope Inspire

Thanks for your recommendations. Button code on the right.

Love you more than a newborn chick xxx

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