
Friday, December 6, 2013

How Things Unfold

Last night I spent a most pleasant evening in the company of some beautiful women swapping gifts, stories, laughs and sharing calories together.

This wonderful selection of chch bloggers:

It's interesting how unexpectedly friendship creeps up. These women are very dear to me, I like them and I like the things I learn from them. I didn't think about the fact that last night was probably the last (and first for some of them) I would see them for quite a while. I'm glad about that because I would have been a bit (lot) emotional.

And so I sit here eating left over lolly cake and brownie for breakfast and I reflect on how much I might have missed out on if I hadn't taken that step out from behind the screen.

What richness of shared experiences, stories laughed at, pieces of someone's pyjamas! I might now have.

Christchurch bloggers I am so thrilled to be counted among your company. Privileged in the things I have learnt from you. Honored that you would be prepared to share your real life journeys with me.

You are fascinating, intelligent, interesting, creative, talented, kind and hilarious women. I am grateful for the parts you play in my story.


love you more than eating naughty leftovers for breakfast xxx

(photos care of Sophie, used without permission - yeah I know I love living on the edge like that!!)

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