
Monday, December 2, 2013

B.M.W.B - Advent-ure

This year I want Advent to have more of a sense of the anticipation of 'coming'.

So we'll still be doing a range of activities (and of course I'll be unwrapping treats everyday from my marvelous advent partner - more about that tomorrow) but in all of them I want to engage with more meaningful conversation and thoughtfulness around the season.

Here are our advent activities for this season:

1. Decorate the Tree and do Faith for Families Advent Family Night
Also read and talk about - Dean, Faculty of Theology in Catalonia
“This tree shows that even in the heart of winter, when everything is dry and the trees have no leaves, it is still green and so a tree which symbolizes life. And this life has a name - Jesus Christ."
The Christmas tree is a symbol of life and hope, that is decorated with ornaments and lights around the world. The decoration shows the importance of the birth of Jesus.

2. Unwrap Decoration (handmade ceramic star - they always get a handmade decoration each year)- Read  Matthew 2 v1-12 Talk about what the star might have looked like?

3. Book – Song of Stars - Talk about the sense of anticipation and coming

4. Make Washi Candles - read - Read John 8 v 12

5. Christmas book reading marathon

6. Watch The Nativity Movie - read Read Luke 1v 46-56

7. Book - 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - Why do you think giving presents is important at Christmas?

8. Make Reindeer Noses for friends - can you remember the reindeer’s names? Who do you want to give these to and why? Read – Proverbs 27v18. Why is honour important? (CEV)

9. Book -  Simone's Book, Do an 'angel hunt' through the Biblical accounts of the birth of Jesus - Elizabeth, Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds etc

10. Hang Bunting (thanks Nin!) and talk about why we celebrate

11. Attend and help with a community carols evening

12.  Book - The Nativity by Julie Vivas - What is your favourite page? What does it tell you about the arrival of Jesus?

13. Make Crowns for the Kings

14. Watch Shrek the Halls

15. Do a Nativity show for Mum and Dad using the nativity magnet set (thanks Leonie)

16. Listen to carols and have fondue - What do you think is special about Christmas and Advent?

 17. Make cookies for people we love and pray for them

18. Book - The 3 Trees - which tree got the most special job? Why do you think that?

19. Read Luke 1v26-33 The Message version. How might Mary have felt?

20. Do a mini-chocolate bar drop in the letter boxes on our street on the way to school.

21. Watch Arthur Christmas and have friends to stay

22. Read and Act Luke 2

23. Fill in a map of Jesus' life

24. Open Christmas PJs Read – Psalm 4 v7-8

Becoming the Mama I want to be is about taking time to enjoy the journey of parenting, to honour it's value and to hopefully inspire and encourage each other. 

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Simple. Achievable. Intentional: becoming the mama I want to be

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Love you more than a well planned list xxx

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