
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Adventy Awesomeness

Don't you love the feeling of starting you day with something lovely - like a wrapped present for you?

Here are the amazing ways I've been blessed by Cat this week:

Day Four:
I am totally loving washi tape at the moment and these colours make me very happy.

Day Five:
My boys were very excited that these were like Paddingtons '5 pence pudding', having never seen a Christmas pudding in real life.

Day Six:
I must confess to a wee cry about this one! I love Gillian's work and it was the night after the Chch bloggers santa swap and this beautiful piece is partially made from liquefaction silt. Also Cat and I met one another through the earthquake way back in 2011 - very meaningful. It will be a very special piece of chch I take to Australia with me.

Day Seven:
The boys insisted I take the photo with the candy canes making a heart - aren't they sweet. I can't believe how much Cat has managed to make! Her knitting skills are boss.

Day Eight:
Yum - not so many of these left I must confess!!

Day Nine:
My Christmases are going to be filled with lots of special memories with all the wonderful handmade decorations I have been given. And always in twos so the boys can each hang one.

Day Ten:
Breakfast anyone? Just me then, don't mind if I do!

If you want to see days 1-3 go here.

Love you more than a laden Christmas tree xxx

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