
Sunday, December 15, 2013


My sweet cyclists - optional individual pursuit cycle race.

My littlest - youngest child at school riding his little legs off.

Oh so proud!

I may not post this week - my house has to be packed, sorted, gifted, organised..... blergh!

Love you more than a massive job finished xxx

Friday, December 13, 2013

Pyjamas, Random Thought

Why does the crotch always give out on my old-man jammies?

seriously.... how does lying around on the couch eating chocolate equate to so much stress on a crotch seam that hangs lower than a teenage boys jeans?

another of the great mysteries of life that I ponder.

love you more than the perfect jammy pants xxx

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Make My Week - Stockings

A while ago Deb gave me a collection of Christmas fabric strips and I decided they would work perfectly for 3 small stockings.

One for both the boys and one for their cousey (2 are the same).

Lined in an old blanket I made it up as I went along, not entirely successfully! I like that they are small so that not too much can fit in - just some wee treasures and an orange!

Joining in with Lovely Leonie (click on the show n tell button on the right)

Love you more than a project ticked off the to-do list xxxx


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

We Recommend - Wishlists

Sometimes thinking of 6 different gifts to recommend for your children to various family members requires too much brain capacity.

But if you get into the habit (which I haven't but hey maybe it will help you?) of writing in a notebook during the year when you see things you know the kids would like or when they talk about things they want then it makes it all so much easier.

I have done this this year with small thoughts for Christmas gifts or stocking contents and I have to say it means no last minute scramble I know exactly what will be going in each one.

and for me?

well I am a firm believer in book wishlists

and felt wishlists

Sailor two piece swimsuit

Village - Mixed media art print - A5

Polar bear and Cub, Geometric animal print, Original illustration

Tui, New Zealand bird, Geometric bird print, Original illustration

Fishing boat brooch - red

X My Heart Copper & Silver Earrings with Sterling Silver Hooks

Resin Bangle - 4 Colours

Fantail & Hydrangea ....hand printed Tea Towel

Autumn Crocus....hand printed Tea Towel

Magnetic blackboard fridge planner

Objectify Great Wave of Kanagawa Wall Clock

Objectify NZ Wave Wall Clock

Objectify "Cranes Nearby Mt Fuji" Wall Clock

Objectify Grid2 Blue Wall Clock

Better Together Pillow Cases, Wedding Gift Idea, His and Her Pillows

Red Crochet Slippers with Lavender Felt Pompom

Tea towel - Bears' Afternoon Tea

Tree and ladder brooch - oak and white acrylic

Cottage Kitchen

Vintage airplane overlaid on old map of Europe - Print

Winter Garden art print - A5

personalised necklaces

Tui & Fantail *Tea Towel

Stack of three rings with heart and etched designs.

Stripey Swan

clematis earrings

lily earrings

Flying Kereru Brooch

Little red brooch

Vroom Vroom Pendant

that way people have lots of choice, they can feel confident I am getting something I want and also I get a surprise (which I am partial to)

easy huh?

are you a wishlist writer? I like the idea of compiling them during the year rather than the kids writing a massive 'I want' list, although I did find an adorable one somewhere the other day that Flip had done all by himself and forgotten to show us....

What's no. one on your list?

Love you more than a surprise gift under the tree xxx

Create Hope Inspire

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Attached to Stuff?

Right, I think this is going to be a whingy post... buckle up folks. (Oh, and don't take me too seriously, okay - I never do, in about half an hour I'll be totally over this feeling - truly!).

It's difficult for me to live simply and not have stuff, because I like stuff. I'm currently going through my craft room (which is the most wonderful little space in my world) and it feels like ripping off one plaster after another (and that's only one shelf!).

Some people love throwing things out (I know this because I am related to about 3 of them) but for me it just feels like a chore and I so want all these little treasures to go to someone else who will appreciate them like I do.

... but I don't want to force all my stuff onto another person who doesn't want it...

and I know it will be almost impossible for me to give this stuff away without telling all the stories that go with each piece: where they came from, what I planned to do with them, what they could do with them... and then I feel like I'm trying to convince someone to love something just because I do - I don't like that feeling.

So, shall I just take it all to school and hope some other crafty mamas are stoked or invite everyone over and get them to just grab stuff???

What's the best way to get this stuff to people who will be stoked to have it - mainly, selfishly, because I feel better about setting something free if someone else is thrilled to have it?

and I still have all this to sort and the draws, shelves, half-done projects..... and that's just the craft room!

so, yeah a little over-tired, over-cleaning and over having to shake off all the excess junk in my life.

love you more than the self-control to go to bed early, clearly! xxx

Adventy Awesomeness

Don't you love the feeling of starting you day with something lovely - like a wrapped present for you?

Here are the amazing ways I've been blessed by Cat this week:

Day Four:
I am totally loving washi tape at the moment and these colours make me very happy.

Day Five:
My boys were very excited that these were like Paddingtons '5 pence pudding', having never seen a Christmas pudding in real life.

Day Six:
I must confess to a wee cry about this one! I love Gillian's work and it was the night after the Chch bloggers santa swap and this beautiful piece is partially made from liquefaction silt. Also Cat and I met one another through the earthquake way back in 2011 - very meaningful. It will be a very special piece of chch I take to Australia with me.

Day Seven:
The boys insisted I take the photo with the candy canes making a heart - aren't they sweet. I can't believe how much Cat has managed to make! Her knitting skills are boss.

Day Eight:
Yum - not so many of these left I must confess!!

Day Nine:
My Christmases are going to be filled with lots of special memories with all the wonderful handmade decorations I have been given. And always in twos so the boys can each hang one.

Day Ten:
Breakfast anyone? Just me then, don't mind if I do!

If you want to see days 1-3 go here.

Love you more than a laden Christmas tree xxx

Monday, December 9, 2013

B.M.W.B - Little Notes

Bounce loves writing me love notes.

He has extended from to.mam.bounce

to -

and some days I get 3 or 4 of those. So I have introduced a Mummy and Bounce letters book. He is very excited. So am I.

Flip saw the book and found one of his own and hid it in our bed. He loved that he initiated it and so do I. The idea is the book becomes a place to write each other notes and talk about things as they get older.

Inspired by other mamas. Pleased to be in correspondence with my beautiful sons.

Becoming the Mama I want to be is about taking time to enjoy the journey of parenting, to honour it's value and to hopefully inspire and encourage each other. 

Create Hope Inspire

Simple. Achievable. Intentional: becoming the mama I want to be

Button code on the right if you want it

Love you more than a new book xxx

Sunday, December 8, 2013


Athletics day at school.

sweet boys giving it their all

love you more than a smooth batten change xxx