
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

We Recommend - For Baking Babes (and a giveaway my honeys!)

Now a baking babe may be a smoking hot mama who knows her brownies from her blondies ( I don't like white chocolate so you're getting no blondies from me!)

or... a baking babe could be a littler person who loves the chance to get let loose in the kitchen.

Anyway, this week I'm recommending something we've had a huge amount of pleasure from Edible Ink Pens. Basically they are like felt pens that you can use to write on food with and the food is still edible. The gift that goes on giving all year round.

Now and again I use these to smuggle a marshmallow into the boys' lunchboxes with a love note on them.

We've used them to make snow men

they are also super fun for adding features to faces

I imagine the fondant icing artist types could have an absolute field day designing things.

or you could draw on lickable tattoos! (that comment isn't supposed to be R18 either!)

and we used them recently for the party - little people drew their own teddies on a fondant cup cake topper.

My friend also used these to make this amazing cake for her wee one.
She said: The americolor pen I had was one of the blue ones, it was great for colouring the larger areas, had plenty of ink/good ink flow and kept working!!

Of course you could always buy a 10 pack separate them out and give them to friends with a packet of marshmallows or cupcake cases. Perfect for the food loving friend or the kind of present I'd actually be stoked to get in those 'bring a $5 gift' Christmas parties. (Which I know I should roll my eyes about but I totally love. Last year The Atlas had one at his work where you take other people's presents - you know the one? - and he felt so bad about taking something someone wanted the next day he took it into work and gave it back to them, so they got 2 gifts and he got none!)

Now I know these things aren't the easiest to locate - believe me I have tried.  So I am very excited I found a fab place to buy these and they post so if you think Santa would like to sneak some of these into your stocking then send him this way. (Or if you live in Hawkes Bay they have a store as well).

or...... you could win a pack of 10!!! I know, busting your gumdrop-buttons right??? Right here. Because Cake Stuff are awesome, yes, yes they are.

Now I know you are really thinking of how much your children would love a set of these for biscuits and cupcakes and marshmallow snow men making, and you're not thinking at all of how much fun you are going to have planning your next party and never sharing them....I have mine hidden in a secret place in the pantry and I'm not telling you where!

So you could win a pack of 10 Americolor food pens - as featured in the photos above, usually $34.95.

How you ask me? Well here are your 4 chances:

1. Visit Cake Stuff and tell me something you'd like Santa to put in your stocking (don't get lost over there okay there is a lot to look at and you may need a tissue for the drooling!).
2. Link up a recommendation post this week
3. If you follow me some how (email, RSS, Bloglovin...whatever) then I want to give you another chance because I appreciate your company for the journey.
4. Tell me a way you would use these - go on inspire me.

Separate comment for each please :o) you know you want to make it easy to be picked.

I will draw the winner on Nov 20th and send them out to you in the mail. I have also drawn the winners for the Sami's giveaway - congrats to Therese T, Jackie, Louana, Alex, lil Abs and Sunshine Leonie. Holly won (and has received) the cufflinks from Linkz. If you are a winner please flick me an email with your address and I'll do my best to get them in the post this week.

We Recommend for Christmas 
our posts about genuinely lovely things

Create Hope Inspire
If you'd like the code you can find it on the right.
Love you more than a chocolate and marshmallow hangover 
(the only kind of hangover I've ever had!) xxx

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