
Friday, November 8, 2013

Meaningful and Inspiring

I have met so many people (including myself somedays!) who have an ambition to be a writer.

Some of them get on and actually write stuff...

and re-write, and sharpen, and polish and sweat and re-work

and take their ambition seriously

and then more often than not they face the slog of finding an agent (which is not free) and presenting to publishers and chewing their nails and getting rejections and cycle after cycle...

and some go down a different road.

Recently 2 very lovely clever kiwi bloggers have self published gorgeous books for little people.

Sarah's have all gone - but there is an eBook which you can get here and you can even make your own little tree to match from the pattern here. Keep an eye on her blog though because I hear she's thinking of new print run.

Sarah's book is a beautiful book filled with NZ tree's and sounds like a perfect addition to any nature loving little persons collection. It is a quest and a book about finding your place.

Simone's book is currently ready to roll off the press.

The Christmas season (almost) upon us and Simone's book beautifully captures the nativity in a fresh and cute way. Maybe you could think about it for your Christmas collection.

Last year Simone's story was turned into this super sweet film

her book tells the narrative from behind the scenes of heaven and it features photos of a fabulous variety of little people (which I love because isn't that the point - this was a story of good news for the whole of the world!).

You can order the book directly from Simone here including NZ postage. $16 for one, $26 for two copies or $35 for three copies. 

I am so encouraged by both Sarah and Simone who have tenaciously followed their dreams and put the hard work in to make their dream a reality. Each of them have produced something they can feel incredibly proud of and I think the books, in different ways, capture the spirit of what it is to believe and have faith. Meaningful messages from beautiful women.

So if you wrote a book what would it be? I'd quite like to sew the illustrations for a book.... 

Love you more than the smell of a new book xxx

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