
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Wardrobe Tuesday

I haven't worn this dress for ages it feels like and it's nice to be back in it. It's the kind of dress that gets a lot of comments (including from a sweet boy working at the supermarket) and the shoes - I have seen grown women swoon over them. :o)

Although I should have worn my thunderpants because it was a windy day!!

The dress is made from an old curtain and an old sheet, which just goes to show that while The Atlas was wearing shorts and a t-shirt when we went to church together, his outfit was probably worth more.

Underneath I have a new frilled petticoat in red - so now I have 2 in my collection but they are different I promise!

The Atlas did the photo shoot for me instead of my usual self timer mode. As we started to take the photos he said to me 'now love if you're feeling nervous just imagine the camera man is in the nude' - that man, he cracks me up.

So what's your cheapest ensemble??

Joining in on Wednesday with the lovely Kelly at Wardrobe Weds - just click the button on the right.

Love you more than a frilly petticoat xxxx

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