
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Random Thoughts

1. People who live in designer homes still have times where someone leaves 'missile marks' in their toilet. I wonder if this is more annoying to them that normal people? As a side note, you know you are a grown up when you realise if you don't clean those marks you left off, no-one else will.... yeah, not my favourite thing about being grown-up.

2. Some days start with a supermarket shop and end with making 5 men's tutus - yesterday was one of those days.

3. There is something magical about the power of plasters. They don't just aid the healing process they actually take away the pain - especially if you are allowed to choose one out of the box (and they are different shapes or designs) and put it on yourself. Anyone who is between 2 and 7 will agree with me.

4. When it comes to lying on the couch at night and watching TV with your husband you will want more cushions. Yes you will.

5. 15 metres of tulle is a lot of tulle.

6. Licking the bowl after baking is like cheap therapy. You should try it some time.

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