
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Make My Week - in the centre

I love Christchurch. I feel especially fond of it as a city. Although I didn't grow up here I was born here and I feel like these last few years have been the right time for us to be here.

I made this necklace recently and I was thinking about selling it - along with some other necklaces I made (still no decision on those) but this one I decided to keep.

It's made from the front of one of the old bus route maps for the city - maps that probably no longer exist. I love how so many of the bus routes go through the cathedral.

I've set it slightly off centre - because for me, my heart falls to the east (where we used to live and still 'do church') and to the south where we now live. Also I know as a city we're a little out of kilter but I think the heart remains strong.

I love that the cathedral is right in the centre of the routes - it's a symbol for me of my turangawaewae (true standing place/home) - in the sense that all I am is centred in my faith - all other roads and pathways and journeys intersect with the cross. The literal cathedral is not the thing that matters it is the metaphor for my faith - the thing from which all of my identity, sense of purpose and love flow.

I'm so pleased with this necklace. I think I might have one more of the old bus routes left....maybe I'll make another to sell one day... who knows.... sometimes selling stuff just seems too much like a difficult process.

Ummm... if you are a chch blogger and not on the email list we'd love to see you tonight at The Make Cafe - anytime from 6.30pm - wear some lippy (unless you are a guy, but if you are a guy you are welcome and we won't judge if you wear lippy either!).

Did you enter my giveaway yesterday?

Joining in with delightful Leonie and other beautiful makers.

Love you more than a pretty symbol of hope xxx

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