
Saturday, October 12, 2013


I love the idea of having a clutter free house. In our case we can't really blame it on the kids, or The Atlas either - I think I contribute most of the stuff to our place.

There are areas though where stuff just builds up and stuff just gets jammed further and further to the back of the shelves!

Lovely Simone is decluttering and I decided to give it a go too. (Or at least a start - we shall see where the motivation leads!). I started with the laundry cupboard. All of it came out and then some of it got tossed and then things were put back in the correct place. Ahhhhh

Thanks Simone for the inspiration. If you are de-cluttering too and you want a chance to win some tupperware - yes please! then add your before and afters to Simone's blog or fb page.

Spring Declutter

Love you more than an organised cupboard!! xxx

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