
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I Redeemed the 'Fail Dress'

You may remember this dress that was initially a fail so I threw my hands up and left it on the dress form but now I have conquered! I've finished it!

Actually I just decided I wanted to wear it instead of stare at it on my dress form any longer!

I put it on and man-handled The Atlas into helping me pin some surface darts into the neckline (he really *loves* helping me tailor!).

Then I turned that hem line up and sewed it with not thoughts for length or evenness.

Threw a belt and a cardi over and I was good to go. Sometimes you just have to force yourself to finish. I find when I sew in my undies, sitting on a cold swiss ball (my sewing chair of choice), at 7.54am I am motivated to get that thing finished so I can put something on.... or is that just me?

Joining in with the lovely Kelly at WW tomorrow.

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