
Friday, August 30, 2013

Series and Linky - Will You Join Me?

Okay so without freaking anyone out we are kind of heading quickly towards Christmas.

And, if like me you have children and you have some kind of relationship with extended family or friends that are into presents (yes please!)... you will be asked 'what shall I get XXX?'

Enter - 'we recommend'. Last year I did this series to recommend some of the things my boys have had a huge amount of pleasure from.

So... for the next couple of months I'm going to do it again.

This time I'm including The Atlas (or your local, attractive, all-round marriable man), Grandparents and myself... you know just in case I don't decide to buy my own gift.

The premise for this series is predominantly cheaper gifts - because frankly unless it is really special I don't think Christmas is about emptying your bank account on behalf of everyone you are related to.... and I'd rather people didn't empty their bank accounts buying some kind of shiny plastic rubbish because it's what 'all the kids want this year' for my kids.

This series is about my intention to have a Christmas without junk.

I'm also going to include some fun handmade things but mainly handmade that is achievable. I know not everyone sews so I'll probably only do a couple of these. However if you LOVE the idea of making all your gifts (which I totally get and am into) then you will also enjoy Louana's series on Handmade Christmas.

So how does Wednesday work for you?

We Recommend for (Grandies, Daddies, Mummies or Little People) - here for September to November and maybe beyond. I'd really love you to link in.

I'd love to hear some of your great go-to ideas for gifts for the people you love. If we recommend things for each other then we'll all have a stock pile of super ideas when the requests for ideas start rolling in.

We Recommend for Christmas 
our posts about genuinely lovely things

Create Hope Inspire

instead of buying landfill let's make considered purchases that go the distance and are still being enjoyed next Christmas or gifts that are beautifully made and consumable

You keen? See you next Wednesday for the beginning. And if I'm super clever I'll give some stuff away too. I even made a super, not plastic, go-the-distance button! Code on the right. 

love you more than a roll of brown paper and washi tape xxx

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