
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Winner, Giveaway, Random Musings

Ever heard that  saying 'When you care but can't be there'? It's probably advertising flowers, parcels, cards or postage.... over the years my sisters and I have adapted it for our own entertainment

When you care but really can't be bothered going
When you care but not enough to do anything about it

When you care but actually you don't care....

that sort of thing..... I was reminded about this recently.

There is a lot of room for inspiration on the internets - we're all pinning wildly, recording all these ways we will live and do - at some point. I love looking at the amazing birthday parties people do... and really there are many, check out this wildly inspiring party lover to see what I mean.

Anyway - I do love me a good theme and a pretty look but I'm not the greatest at the execution and really - I care but not enough to spend time wildly shopping in a million different places to make everything match, not enough to go out and get a printer, not enough to learn how to make all kinds of pretty..... so if you are a little like me and you maybe would like the world's prettiest and matchi-est party may I direct you to the newest range at Stuck on You.

Think pretty party in a click - these images are all from their range - so you can dip your toe in with just an invite or you can go crazy and order the whole noise (minus the lady who jumps out of a cake - it's not that kind of party!).

Also if you'd like to win a $25 voucher for the stuck on you website just leave a comment - tell me a party fail - the time you dropped the last slice of pav and were so upset you picked it up off the floor and ate it anyway (or was that just my mum?), the invite you said yes to and then forgot to turn up.... you know those awesome memories.

For another entry pop over to the Stuck on You website and tell me your favourite party theme. Be sure to leave a separate comment.

Entries close next Saturday.

Also the winner of Remember That November is Bex Tamati congrats and look out for an email from me soon. Thanks to all who entered :o)

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