
Friday, June 21, 2013

Things to Enjoy

Sadly the promised snow has not eventuated but the freezing temperatures have happily graced us with their company. And so the fire roars and we enjoy its warmth and think of those who are still living in cold houses. (I'm sure there are people very grateful the snow has not fallen for good reasons. I only wanted snow for the boys home, The Atlas home and the pretty!)

Grateful for people who do things the old fashioned way - I took this photo in front of a cafe. He is one of the original owners of the cafe. He's picking the apples for crab-apple jelly that they make and sell.

Grateful for tickets - The Atlas got us family tickets to a very special show coming to chch - watch this preview. It is such a massive treat for us as a family and I am so, so grateful for a man who thinks the arts and performance are worthwhile to watch. (Even though I know he loves sport more)

Grateful for short videos that make men and women laugh.out.loud - you will not regret watching this :o)

It's Not About the Nail from Jason Headley on Vimeo.

Grateful for the inspiration of people who overcome

watch - enjoy - laugh - be inspired

Here's to a cosey weekend xxx

love you more than a bucket of dry kindling

Joining in with Meghan

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