
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Make My Week - Name Tags

So maybe it's been more than a month since the bloggers connecting get together but I thought you might like to see the name badges I made.

I ended up with 3 swap partners - I'm a bit greedy like that! But one of the name tags was made for me by Deb - she's a bit generous like that!

For Katrina I went with a sewing theme. Her name badge is made from felt and I left the pin in deliberately. I also made her this necklace.

For Vanessa I went with a baking theme and made her a cupcake name tag and home made peanut butter.

It was a fun challenge, a nice way to connect people together and a much better way of labelling than the old sticky-label system. At least this way you could pretend you were really interested in the name tag the person had rather than trying to get a surreptitious look because you couldn't remember their name!

It helped that there were lots of large name tags too.

Joining in with Show and Tell - where all the creatives hang out on Thursdays.


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