
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wardrobe Wednesday and Me Made May 8th-14th 2013

Yeah so as you can see this week taking a photo every day has led to a lot  little less effort..... apologies for the faces that look a little like 7.30am (because they are 7.30am and this is pretty much how I look, minus the lipstick - that's especially for you - at 7.30am)

May 8th -
Me Made Coat from hand-dyed woolen blankets and appliqued and needle felted to add detail. The rest of the outfit was yawnsville xx and the front photo looked like a large green barge was sailing your way so you'll just have to be happy with the rear-end view xx

May 9th - Me Made dress New Look 6000 pattern , beads op-shopped, boots - Camper bought in Milan when we were young, mortgage and child-free

May 10th - Me Made Dress - made from 1950s car fabric, cardi recent purchase from Temt, belt - Dotti, ring a gift from The Atlas, tights Glassons, shoes/booties from Cotton On

May 11th - Me Made dress New Look 6805 made from beautiful Japanese Linen, Echino, Cardi Temt, Shoes bought for a job interview in 1999, Lemon fishnets - hand me down, Cross necklace bought for me when I was very, very small by my grandmother.

May 12th - Me Made Cape (more about that tomorrow), Dress by NZ designer Sailor Spy, Stockings hand me down, Shoes 25cents off trademe in a bundle. Cheese factor all my own!

May 13th - Me Made dress Simplicity Pattern, Belt - hand me down, shoes as above, bracelet charm bracelet that features a charm to represent every country we visited on our OE. This photo was so awful I had to apply these effects in order to make my face look slightly less like some gym obsessed, sun-bed over doer.... yeah I know 'Silk purse, sows ear....'

May 14th - Me Made Denim Skirt, tights hand me down, t-shirt op-shopped, shoes bought in Barcelona in 2005

other thrilling me made observations - I really need to make some more trousers and tops for cycling days and days when I am not feeling the dress love.

also, if I got rid of everything my family has handed down to me for my wardrobe I'd have a lot less clothes.

other lovely dressers at Wardrobe Wednesday (click the button on the right)

other lovely makers at the Me Made May flickr group

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