
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Help A Mama Out

Since I have changed over from Wordpress some of my special followers who aren't bloggers have had a much harder time commenting.....

during a mini-rant to the lovely Simone she suggested I try intense debate.... in theory then it will remember you every time you come back, and if you add in your blog it should also display any posts you've recently written. Just like with wordpress first time you put in your email and then easy peasy from there on.

So Mum this one is for you.... (and lots of other people too) ..... now you can tell me how awesome I am so much more easily. Provided of course that this whole update worked - yeah otherwise we're both at square one.

If you could spare a couple of seconds to leave a comment then you'd be helping this mama out too.... thanks x

(unrelated photos again..... yeah sorry about that!)

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Hi - if you comment from a mobile device I'll be able to read it but it won't show up because I use intense debate for other comments. I'd still love to know what you are thinking :o) xx