
Friday, March 15, 2013

Things I Know Nothing About

When it comes to blogging I'm kinda clueless..... last night while we were talking about Around the Table (5 weekends away!!!!!!!) and all the boring jobs that no one will even think about if things go well there was conversations about google reader closing

and stuff like that and I kind of tuned out and then today it seemed it was the talk of the blogs. Mainly they were talking about Bloglovin (they must have run out of g's when they named it!).

Apparently you can transfer it all over there and if you want to follow me this is how you do it (I think....not an expert) yeah so now I am there as Create Hope Inspire....

hopefully and stuff :o)

Follow Create Hope Inspire blog with Bloglovin


  1. You're not clueless at all! It JUST was made public and no one is happy about it. But hopefully this means more fin on Bloglovin'!!!

    Hope you're well, Miriam! ~Sarah

  2. sheesh, I'm so clueless that i don't even use google reader! still old school dash board thingiee (or IS THAT what you are talking about?) I think I already have bloglovin..yeah. clueless as. haha

  3. me either, but i now appear to have bloglovin linked up so thanks for the heads up! shame you cant see who is following you on bloglovin tho, that is half the fun!

  4. Lol didn't know what the heck Reader was till everyone started mentioning it either! Turns out my dashboard is not the reader, in that case I'll just chillax :)

  5. yeah, Im using the dashboard too!
    But I will be sure to keep following you too!

  6. Um yeah, I'm not sure I believe it will actually happen. A while ago everyone was saying Google Friend Connect was disappearing and it hasn't so my advice is not to panic too much, it might never happen.


Hi - if you comment from a mobile device I'll be able to read it but it won't show up because I use intense debate for other comments. I'd still love to know what you are thinking :o) xx