
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tasty Tuesday

I often find with recipes that they make soo much less than they say they will

ever made a 'yields 36' and found that you end up with more like 12?

not so with todays recipe

it comes from the Hummingbird Bakery cookbook

these are peanut butter and dark chocolate cookies and the recipe is supposed to make 24 but it makes about 40 and they are HUGE - I guess because it's cafe size they make even bigger ones for selling.

joining in with Ange for more yummy goodness


  1. I'm so glad I'm not the only one! I often make biscuits and never ever get close to the number quoted. These look scrummy!

  2. Oh noms! peanut butter bikkies!!! yes I basically never pay attention to quantities recipes supposedly yield... and I pretty much always double the recipe.

  3. Yep, I hardly ever end up with the suggested yield - even when I've tried to use exactly 1T mixture as suggested, I always end up with less. Glad you found a recipe that works in your favour :)


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