
Friday, March 8, 2013

I Wanted to Share

I saw this little film this week - I so want to do something like this somewhere one day. Fills me up!

Sunday afternoon in Hagley Park

- lazy Sundays free concerts, listening to this beautiful, talented, related woman.

What person in your life is equal to loving you and challenging you?and I'm grateful for the man that loves me and is equal to the task of loving me and helping me grateful for him everyday. He is both a man and a boy in equal and delightful measure. (and I tell him that a lot even though it would mean a lot more to him if I did the dishes.... acts of service not my strength, words of love - well I get an A+ for that!!)

Joining in with Meghan


  1. Darn it Miriam - sitting here with tears in my eyes about to ruin my not long go applied make up - that is a beautiful video - thanks for sharing xxx

  2. Wwaaa tears!! What a cool video!! *breathe*

    I especially loved the mama / daughter, Father / son, Father / daughter combos. So super sweet.

  3. That is just so FREAKIN' cool. I want to do one!

  4. Oh man, that video is a tear-jerker! Same as Soph - I particularly loved the family combos, esp father/son. So sweet.

  5. Love the movie...made me smile the whole time....I am going to share this too. Thanks...

    Oh and glad to see your man is recovering well. xxx

  6. Awesome vid and love the loving - don't underestimate the value of telling someone that you love and care. It is astonishing how many people don't even ask how your day was! sometimes words mean more xx


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