
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Valentines Dinner

The Atlas had surgery just before Valentines Day so I thought I'd postpone our Valentine's dinner for a month.

Last year we did our first one and this year I wanted to do something new.

Each couple was asked to submit (independently of each other) the following information

1. A song that reminds them of their partner (The Atlas used these to make a playlist for the evening)

2. A quote, saying, line.... that means something to them
3. The place they were when they realised they were in love with that person
4. A place they would like to take their partner

Over the course of the evening we played a few rounds where people had to match up the couples with the answers, people also had to do a place card for their partner with things they loved about them on one side (just for their partner to read) and the worst pick up line they could think of on the other side.

It was a really nice night and I enjoyed doing some simple decorating and prepping dessert (it was a planned potluck). It's amazing what some candles can do!

We're very blessed to have a good stack of couples in our lives to do this kind of stuff with.
Above you can also see my Tasty Tuesday creation from the Hummingbird Bakery Cookbook - Raspberry Cheesecake Brownie - mmmmmmm (see the photo under No.1) Oh. So. Right!

And the prize for the winning couple? 'Date Night in a Bag'....

Have you ever been to a Valentines Couple's Dinner - what did you do?

Joining in with Ange


  1. I love this idea! I might rope our friends in to doing the same - even without it being Valentines day! We often do things together as families, and I think it be nice to do something special together as husbands and wives. Cool ideas - I think I'll steal them :)

  2. Very cool Miriam and so awesome that you have great friends to do it with!

  3. Love this idea. I too might 'steal' it for next V Day. We never do anything, but it's a great idea to spend time with other couples and celebrate marriage :)

  4. Oh my, that brownie cake thingy looks amazing! Yuuuuuuum. And I adore this idea!

  5. NEVER been to a date night with others . . .
    Love the idea/concept though


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