
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Whoot - It's Kindness Day

The Sisterhood is up to their acts of random kindness again.

Today it's a chance to do something kind for another person/s

When I told my boys this morning they were SO excited!

We headed down to our local library and stuck freddo frogs with wee notes that said 'it's Kindness Day today and someone wanted to make you smile - the sisterhood' in different places around the library.

The boys found some places and I suggested others - then we sat and read books.

Later I overhead 2 mums talking and one was saying, 'the librarians don't know who did it either - someone did it in secret' (very pleased given my last less-than-stealthy endeavour!)

As we left we were really excited to see which ones were still there waiting to be discovered.

Then I drove up to our closest emergency/after hours doctor and dropped in these. The receptionist was stoked too as the staff always need cheering as well.

It's not too late either - find a way to show kindness to s stranger today :o)


  1. Love each part of this endeavour!! GREAT JOB BOYS AND MIRIAM!! <3

    love love love it!

  2. Love it Miriam, you are such a honey x

  3. What a beautiful idea! Love it!

  4. LOVE this! Well done to you all xx
    Tee hee, bet it was so awesome overhearing that conversation! We did a mix of stealth and out-in-the-open missions, and it felt so good!

  5. Absolutely love the library story and go the boys being involved too.
    I got my kids to deliver home made marmalade to all our neighbours and the kids loved it !! !!

  6. I was working yesterday in the After Hours Centre you dropped in to with the Freddy Frogs. Nice to have them on the front counter for the patients and a couple of staff members too! Thank you!

  7. Love it! What a cool idea. Would have been so much fun to do this at the library. Go you guys.

  8. That is so cool...I am going to take a rain check and do a kindness thing late...I have been inspired to follow suit. Thanks. xx


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