
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Make My Week - Neon Sparkle

I've seen some cool shoe makeovers lately so I thought I'd have a go at my own.

I bought way too much glitter, as you do I thought shoes would take up a lot more glitter than they did

I masking taped off the sections I didn't want to get coated

I started with a mixed coat of glue and glitter

then added straight glitter

glued over the top and waited

then I gave them a spray coat of clear varnish to finish them off

for $3 shoes and about $5 worth of glitter I think they are a bit of fun

Joining in with crafty Show n Tell - click on the button on the right and see what Leonie and other lovelies have been up to



  1. love it- like modern day dorothy!

  2. Fab, well done! :) I hope you enjoy wearing them. I would love to try this one, I will put it on my to do list!

    Janine xx

  3. That's so fun! I could totally go a bright red pair.

  4. So much fun! I saw you had been pinning glitter shoes, love that you did it!! x

  5. very cool! i'm looking forward to seeing you pair them with an outfit on wardeobe wednesday x

  6. Cuteness! I lurve the blue sparkles!

  7. I think they are very fun! Im a big fan of glitter so Id proudly wear those if they were mine! Found you on show n tell linky!

  8. Well done!! I have some in the same blue glitter which I am only allowed to wear when the hubby is not looking haha.

  9. Oooh, I'm so glad you did this! I have a pair of shoes that need a makeover and I was thinking of glitter. I'm glad it works! On to the to do list it goes...

  10. Smiling
    Blue sparkle shoes SO you

  11. So clever, Miriam.

  12. cool shoe make over... snap we must be thinking the same thing! i bought some bright pink flats and will be painting them later today... but I posted up my daughters dress today on my blog for show n tell. ;)
    Next week will be my shoes.

  13. So cute! Love this bit of fun :)

  14. They are very fun indeed....very brave of you. x


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