
Friday, January 18, 2013

Wanting a Bit of February Stash Busting Fun?

This year I want to work with my stash better - instead of buying a whole lot of stuff I want to work with the whole lot I have.

As a crafter I really aim to have little or no waste coming out of my sewing room. I try to pay forward lovely fabric I won't use and when the scraps get too small and the cotton reels are empty I take them to kindy for the collage table.

This year I also want to start making a lovely, mis-matched, small squared quilt. A bit like the lovely one above. So each time I finish making something and there are scraps I've decided to cute some 3 inch squares and then move the rest on.

So now I want some new scraps.....

enter the Make.Life.Beautiful stash busting scrap swap. A variety of scraps in a variety of sizes sent in the mail. You'll be paired up with someone who has similar taste - sound fun? Pop over here for all the details  (which is the same place I stole the quilt photo from!)

Scrap Bag Swap 2013 at


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