
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tasty Tuesday No.1

This year I want to try a new recipe from one of my lovely baking books.

This week it was Cheese Straws from Little and Friday - a beautiful New Zealand cookbook.

Cheesy, pastry, rosemary goodness..... I only got a before photo.... they look a lot better baked

Sorry about that :o)

The Atlas loves them, he's a savoury kinda guy



  1. Yummy...where has yesterdays post gone i can see it in my reader but not on your blog.Wanted to say love the petticoat to pieces. xx

  2. Hi Bron - it was an accidental post - it will be back up on Weds - still learning to use blogsy :o) (slow learner!)

  3. Noms! Haven't tried it yet but am going to!


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