
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tasty Tuesday - Hokey Pokey Biscuits

These are another biscuit recipe from the Ladies A Plate book.

 I made the standard version and then tried them with wholemeal flour and chocolate chunks.

We liked them both.

What's your go-to biscuit recipe?

I'm going to check with some of the authors about putting some of their recipes up. Hopefully they say yes :o)


  1. Golden Syrup biscuits - a really quick and easy chewy biscuit with sultanas. So. Good.

  2. Those bikkies look so yum. My go-to recipe is the Edmonds Cookbook one. But in saying that, I think it's probably the ONLY one I've ever used. I should branch out...

  3. They look great. My go to is Sophie Gray's Chocolate chip Biscuits.


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