
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Stitching A Story

I've been doing some more stitching. This one has taken me some time - small stitches in snatched moments here and there.

I have no set pattern most times when I start just a general feeling of how things might turn out. This stitching is just an exploration apart from its story I have no set idea or picture as inspiration.

I like to have a 'story' for the things I do. I don't always have one but I really like things that have a story for the person who makes them even though the viewer/user may put their own interpretation on it.

This one is based on a verse in Micah 7 that talks about God throwing our sins into the depths of the sea.
I like to think of the sea being vast so that where I have failed spectacularly there is abundant water to cover my sin.

I like the use of just one colour in stitching - despite the way I dress I do love monochromatic colour in stitching. Sorry about the photo quality I took them at night.

Joining in for other lovely creative sharing in at Show and Tell and Our Creative Spaces.
 Show & Tell Thursday's

Do you have a story to the things you make?
Are you a make it up as you go along creative?


  1. I love everything about this Miriam. What a wonderful verse it is. Looking forward to seeing the end result x

  2. I LOVE this. What a gorgeous idea and the verse is perfect for it. How good this would look in a frame.

  3. Wow! Amazing Miriam, I really love it and I'm off to find the verse.

  4. Your stitching is really lovely. Are you going to frame it. It certainly deserves a frame. When I first clicked it reminded me of knotty wood.

  5. Very sweet. How will it be displayed?

  6. wow! I am in awe of the skill and patience it must have taken to make that. It is simply beautiful

  7. This is just so beautiful Miriam. I am in awe :-)

  8. I love your freehand stitching! its so unique :)

  9. Love your blog Miriam. Wondering if I'm game enough to join in with Wardrobe Wednesday! Have a great week.

  10. This is stunning Miriam, even without the story to give it extra depth and meaning.
    Wow you've got talent!


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