
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Creative Thursdays - McCalls 6379

This was my final project of 2012 I call it my Ladybird Dress.

I actually bought this pattern to use with some beautiful fabric Leonie gave me in the advent swap but the fabric she gave me is really beautiful and the pattern envelope only has sketches and no photos so I didn't want to risk ruining my lovely fabric if the pattern didn't work. (The illustrations are always fashion sketch style so the proportions of a 'normal' person aren't necessarily adhered to and the fit is always perfect!)
I included this photo for your pleasure - a village somewhere is missing their idiot!
I made a 14 in the top and a 12 from the waist band down. It fit perfectly. I have long given up measuring myself and choosing a size from the back of the pattern - I am always at least 2 or 3 sizes bigger than regular and if I make the size my measurements suggest it swims on me??? Just a wee trick if you are planning to start making clothes any time soon!
The fabric is taffeta I bought for cheap a while ago with the thoughts of making a dress of some kind. It felt like a good choice for the pattern. Some sew-ers (most call themselves sewists I guess to avoid accidentally referring to themselves as a sewer!) make a pattern first in a muslin and fit off that - I'm too lazy for that so this way if it works I have a new dress instead :o)
I put an exposed zip down the back which looks off centre but it's just my posture I assure you. I like it but I mainly did it because I didn't have any other zip option. And I lined the bodice section in plain calico because I find silky lining just makes me sweaty.
I'm really pleased with this dress and so pleased with the fit of the pattern. You'll be seeing this pattern again this year for sure.
Today I'm joining in for show and tell Thursday and creative spaces if they are operating...

And happy birthday to The Atlas - coolest man I know xxxx


  1. I can't believe you made this! I love it. My new years resolution is to learn to sew, to become a sewist as you put it (not a sewer lol) so this is great inspiration for me!

    I am a new follower, I found your blog through the lovely Silver's liebster nomination for your blog. You have a really lovely blog.

    Janine xx

  2. Love this dress !! !! !!
    Love you are joining in with Show and Tell :D

  3. Thanks Janine sewing is so satisfying and I reallly enjoy it too.
    Thanks Cat xx

  4. Great job miriam, it really looks like it fits like a glove. How ace to be able to say 'i want that dress, in that fabric' instead of just having to do with whats in the shops x

  5. love it! It fits you so well and I love the exposed zip on the back! Stunning!

  6. Yet another stunning dress to add to your wardrobe- well done, it looks great!

  7. Dress looks stunning! This pattern is a winner on you...

  8. Very nice. Looks so great and shows off your lovely figure :)

  9. As usual, you are fabulous! Love every part of it!

    Enjoy the Atlas celebrations today :) x

  10. Thanks for linking! Awesome dress xx

  11. I dont know if my first attempt at a comment made it or not! Great Dress! and Happy Birthday to the Atlas! x

  12. You hot lady-bird Lady bird you :) Awesome!

  13. this is amazing! well done you!!! the dress is stunning on you and the pattern looks like it was made for you. here's to many more dresses made just like it :)xx ps happy new year!!

  14. Nice one. See I came over. Thanks for sharing how to leave your name etc as I have been turned off not knowing how to do this in the past. Great dress. Happy Birthday Atlas. Whoops! Did a present arrive in the mail?

  15. Great dress!
    I'm always afraid of making my own clothing as most of the time it's wrong fit and I don't end up with what I wanted... Something to wear.

    Maybe ill try again this it cheaper to make your own clothing instead of buying it off the rack?

  16. You look fab in that dress ...very striking and I love the exposed zip. xxx

  17. Lovely dress and I love that your shoes match too!

  18. What a beautiful dress. Very flattering. Cx

  19. Oh my goodness, this dress is KILLER!! You look amazing xx


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