
Monday, January 14, 2013

B.M.W.B 2 - The Book Bucket

Last year for my birthday Deb gave me this gorgeous fabric bucket which I promptly used for the Christmas books in December.

But when the new year rolled around I decided to use it to be a bot more intentional about how we read our books. We have a lot of books for the boys and it's easy to get into a pattern of reading the same ones and forgetting about some of our favourites. I also suspect that we may have grown out of some of them too. So this year I am intentionally taking a stack at a time out of the bookshelf and filling the book bucket with them.

Whenever we feel like a story we grab one out and when it has been read to both boys it gets replaced with another one from the shelves (some of the new ones might stay in there a bit longer!). This way over the course of months we will have read every book in the shelves and re-discovered some old favourites.

Lots of our books are second hand some were second hand when I got them as a child but that is the great thing of books - most give many, many, many!! years of good service and the sharing of these stories together forms the language and sounds of childhood.

I'd far rather my children knew every intonation of my voice than Mickey's or some other TV programme.

What have you been up to with your kids this week?
What are you loving about parenting??

Create Hope Inspire
Becoming the Mama I want to be is about taking time to enjoy the journey of parenting, to honour it's value and to hopefully inspire and encourage each other. I'd love to have your linky if you are keen.

You can grab the button code on the right if you'd like to :o)

Simple. Acheivable. Intentional: becoming the mama I want to be


  1. books are awesome - we have heaps and heaps too. We love reading and love that we are able to share this joy and pass it on to our children. It's one of our favourite things to do together :)

  2. This is simply a brilliant idea LOVE

  3. I love this idea Miriam, we do something similar with our books from the library- a little bit because I don't like having to hunt them out from under beds or behind book shelves but mostly so we make sure we read them all before they're due back :)

  4. What a great idea! Think we need to adopt a similar strategy x


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