
Monday, January 7, 2013

B.M.W.B # 1 - Sock Bubbles

I love the way the holidays afford spontaneity - the other day I found this great idea on line so I asked the boys and we rallied around finding the bits and pieces

knee stockings from the pile to the op-shop, 2 plastic bottles from the recycling bin, no duct tape so we used some sticky paper stuff from the craft bag instead.

and then with a little water and some dishwashing liquid we were away. **** please, please remind your children not to breathe in when blowing!!! **** Wee Bounce was not pleased with the taste of dishwashing liquid.

I had to offer some water and a biscuit to get rid of the taste. When he saw it was another yo-yo and not the chocolate chippie biscuit he was hoping for he said - No mama that will not comfort me - he's so articulate - I love it!

Aside from the ingestion of bubble mix we had a wonderful time make streams of bubbles and adding food colouring to make rainbows.

On Sunday afternoon the boys bought some of those water squirter things and The Atlas set us up with a station each to refill from and we went for it.

By the end of it we were all soaked (you know the proper kind right through to your undies!!) and full of laughter.

Becoming the Mama I want to be is about taking time to enjoy the journey of parenting, to honour it's values and to hopefully inspire and encourage each other. I'd love to have your linky if you are keen.

You can grab the button code on the right if you'd like to :o)

Create Hope Inspire

Simple. Achievable. Intentional :becoming the Mama I want to be


  1. Meaningful bubbles - a good thing :)

  2. what a great way to cool down in the heat!

  3. thanks ladies - we did have great fun with them :o)

  4. That looks awesome!
    I am hoping to join up with your Linkies too :)


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