
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wardrobe Wednesday - On Not Taking Ourselves too Seriously

Hi Lovelies

I do love the opportunity to have a wee browse in your wardrobes each week, to see the colours you are wearing, what's inspiring you, what risks you are taking for yourselves, how you accessorise.... kinda nosey I guess but at least here you are inviting me to give you the twice over.

So I'm not always about taking myself too seriously with the way I wear my clothes... in fact I'm hardly ever about taking myself seriously. Mainly I'm about having some fun with what I wear, with enjoying the process, celebrating....

So today I'm channeling my inner sexy-librarian, office geek-chic .... not that most people in an office would wear a car dress but this is my little fantasy :o)

So I was approached recently by Firmoo and asked if I'd like to have pair of glasses. Not being a glasses wearer this was something of a novelty - so I went online and picked the loudest pair I could find, not surprisingly!! On firmoo you can log in and upload your picture and try specs on yourself (I didn't do that so these probably aren't the best shape for me). They also do sunnies and 'real glasses' (you know for people that actually need glasses) and if you are keen you can get your first pair free - you can find out more here.

I like these and they arrived fast and they came with a lovely case and they are such a fun colour - don't you think?

Do you take your wardrobe seriously?? 
Do you ever just throw and outfit together for fun? 
Would you wear fake glasses???

And very importantly - have you decided what to wear on Christmas Day yet??? I haven't!

Outfit: Total cost to me approx $7
Scarf - Melbourne Op shop
Dress - Handmade from 1950s car fabric (every mama of boys needs a car dress!)
Belt - Dotti
Shoes - handmade in NZ bought for $3 in an op-shop - they gave me blisters today but I'm sure my feet will harden up!
Glasses - c/o- firmoo
Bracelet - gift, made from a measuring tape.

Of course our next Wardrobe Wednesday is on Boxing day.... so I may or may not see you depending on how much turkey you consumed and how freely the champagne was flowing!!

In any case - my sincere Christmas Wishes to you and those you love. May you know the peace and hope of a babe born to a young poor couple, welcomed by rough shepherds and rich, foreign astronomers. May you know the love of heaven.

Merry Christmas beautiful ladies 
 Miriam xx

So what is Wardrobe Wednesday?
  • It's a chance to take some time once a week to peel off the polar fleece trackies (I have a pair too!!) and put on something that gives you a chance to have a 'play' in your wardrobe, to make yourself feel pretty/ stylish/ like a woman!
  •  It's a time to celebrate and hopefully to embrace your body however you find it - post baby, young or old your body is lovely and functional and precious and I want this place to be a place for you to see other women (ordinary, beautiful women) who don't live in designer homes on designer budgets with designer bodies.
How to play?
1. Link in your specific blog post not just your general blog
2. Link to a post about clothes - that's what we're here for
3. Please add a link back here so other people can come over and see people's clothing posts too - the old fashioned way or grab a button
4. Be encouraging and visit people - leave a comment now and again too everyone loves to get encouragement

Here's the button copy and paste away
Create Hope Inspire Wardrobe Wednesday
Peace and Rest - xox


  1. LOVE this happy colourful outfit
    I even love the fact you've channeled your feet to harden up

    1. ha ha - yes hopefully they will get the message and do it!

  2. I'd love to walk into a library and office and see this outfit. Fun fun FUN!

    As for your questions...sometimes, but I try not to; sadly not often BUT see my post today!; and no, because my vision is terrible and any glasses I wear are for reals :)


    1. I LOVE your post today and your whole approach that nothing in your life is beyond a challenge. You are cool!

  3. I might have to track down that belt for myself! I definitely am guilty of taking myself too seriously at times - good reminder for the upcoming holiday to let go! xo

    1. holidays are of course a great time to let go and have a play - I really have had so much wear from this belt - I love it

  4. Beauty Miriam! I love that you were so bold and fabulous to buy yellow non perscription glasses! I'm looking at ordering some yellow ones too, but in tint for sunnies :)


    1. cool, we can be same, same but different! ;o)

  5. Makes me want to work in an office for a day, just to wear a gorgeous outfit like this!

    1. Thanks Judith I don't work in an office but I've decided not to let that stop me! :o)

  6. pretty outfit but really love the specs! sexy, fun and colorful. I wish I can pull a look like that.

    my first time to join your fashion meme.

    1. Thanks Kero - it's lovely to have your company

  7. Love your outfit - it looks FUN! x

  8. Oh my goodness! I totally love your pose in the very first pic! Now I'm going to go back and read through :)
    Merry Christmas Hot Mama xx

  9. Beautiful :) You're getting me sold on the Wardrobe Wednesday thing-a-ma-bob, I'm almost there. AAaaand, as a mother of one, a boy, I think I also do NEED a car dress....

  10. You know, I've seen you wearing that dress before (only on your blog I think) but have never clicked that it has cars on it! My son would LOVE it! I don't have a car dress, but I've got a vintage car ring and the car can "drive" round my finger- the kids think its great!

    1. yeah I love the cars not a detail everyone notices but I love it :o)

  11. Ha! I've been approached by Firmoo too! I'm getting some prescription sunglasses (I'm short sighted and need my glasses to drive so it will be handy to have some sunnies in my prescription), can't wait for mine to arrive! Looking lovely as usual - also I LOVE your curtain net dress from a few posts back! Wow!

    1. thanks Jenny - I look forward to seeing what you pick x

  12. You look so glorious, dear Miriam. I love the print of your dress and the cheerfulness of the whole ensemble.

  13. How cute are you today!!! You look just like a retro Christmas card, I love this so much!

    1. Alison thanks so much that is such a cool description! :o)

  14. Tee hee, loving your "sexy librarian" look! This librarian doesn't have a car dress, but I do have a cat-print dress that I've worn often to work! You can see it here at

    What to wear on Christmas? I have a "Merry Christmas Y'all" shirt that I've been looking for -- can't seem to find it after the move! -- which I like to wear to show my Southern (U.S.) roots. :)

    Jen @ Librarian for Life and Style,

    1. ha ha Merry Christmas y'all!! That is great :0) xx

  15. I love this look! Super fun! :-D

    My outfit this week was kind of a not-taking-myself-too-seriously outfit, too. It was just fun and comfy.

    I don't wear fake glasses because I actually need vision correction. I wear contacts most of the time because I find glasses annoying (fogging up, getting raindrops on them, not being able to wear sunglasses).

    1. Yes it is a bit of a treat to be able to wear them for fun when it suits my hubby wears them all the time so I totally get the fogging up and other issues

  16. Ha ha! That outfit is the bomb! You really could be an extra on MadMen : )


    1. oh thank you SO much that is an awesome thing to say!

  17. oh i love your photos this week miriam! :) so fun!

  18. So adorable and fun! I love this look! And those heels are such a pretty height. In these days of towering platforms (not that those are bad necessarily) it is so hard to find a smaller heel. ;) I recently ordered two new pairs of glasses (one sunnies, one regular) from Firmoo and am anxiously awaiting their arrival. ;) As to your questions, while I do dress to please myself and enjoy putting colors together, I wouldn't call my style fun. ;) And I wear real glasses, so no to the wearing fake glasses. ;) And finally thanks for hosting and have a wonderful Christmas!

    1. Happy Christmas to you too. The lower heel is that much easier I must say even though I often go for towering ones :o)

  19. How cute is that dress?! Love your version of library chic (and since I'm a librarian, well, ya know, I approve). ;-) And those glasses are absolutely fabulous. I'm a glasses wearer and have always played it safe with my eye wear but I think next time I'm gonna go bold and get something in red or purple (my favorite color).

    1. Ha ha I love that I have your librarian approval! :o)

  20. Hey Miriam! This is my first time linking up to Wardrobe Wednesday! I love the sunniness and cheerfulness of this entire post. Newest follower :)
    Silver from A Silver Snapshot

    1. Thanks so much Silver - it's lovely to have you with us :o)


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