
Friday, December 21, 2012

Just Checking

Favourite thins this week was the following conversation

Me: Have you had enough water to drink today?

Bounce: I'll just go and check (goes to the toilet for a pee)

Bounce: No I haven't (because the wee wasn't clear)

He then has some water and races back to the toilet to check, but finds he's all out of wees

Bounce: I didn't think there was any left

I think 4-year-old boys are rad.

They have also discovered the delights of sprinkler running and hose chasing over the last few days.

There is always so much to be grateful for but this week I am grateful that it is holiday time and I have my 3 favourite boys home to enjoy the festive season with.

Joining in with the ever grateful and interesting Meghan


  1. Just priceless!!! They grow soooooo quickly - enjoy Christmas together, and I hope Santa is good to everyone...J

  2. Hahahaha! I think I had a very similar conversation with my three your old girl last week. You've got to love the logic! They are so darling, Miriam!!! ~Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah they are indeed so awesome. I love those kind of conversations :o)

  3. Hee, hee! Have a very fun and merry Christmas xxx

  4. Hi Miriam
    Just wanted to say I just absolutely love your blog, I have found it so inspiring...especially the BMWB posts. I have 3 little people, and newly moved to chch, so my days are spent entertaining these little ones without a lot of ppl around me now. It has changed my thinking, and I am now treasuring this precious time with them much more:)I'm not a blogger (yet!) but so enjoy reading your posts. Have a wonderful christmas with your family.
    Katherine :)

    1. Thank you so much Katherine for such genuine and lovely feedback. It is so encouraging to me that these posts have been so well received. I do hope you decide to blog and if you are ever looking for ideas for little ones in chch flick me an email (it's on my contact page). Have a beautiful and love-filled Christmas xxxx

  5. Love it - yay for family togetherness xx

  6. I am definitely keen for ideas for little people in Chch :) My big boy starts school in Feb so we are treasuring these last few weeks so some fun ideas would be fab! I couldn't seem to find your contact page though to email you!

    Katherine :)


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