
Monday, December 24, 2012

B.M.W.B # 52 - Being Uncomfortable

Wow! I can't believe 52 Becoming The Mama I Want to Be posts - of all the things I've done this year this has been the best one, the most significant and in many ways the easiest. It's actually rather easy to enjoy special time with my boys.

This week we got up with the boys (6.30am!!!!) and watched a Christmas movie together. Our boys go to bed really early so a movie after tea is not an option. So instead I got uncomfortable - I hauled myself out of bed when I could have slept in (hello holidays!) and instead of them watching it alone we watched together and then afterwards we talked about what we liked and what made us laugh.

I acted excited to get out of bed when they came in all excited and shiny eyed in the morning.... and actually I enjoyed myself! Sometimes for me the barrier is my own laziness and when I get over this I am always the better for it.

Being together on a special occasion creates such a sense of team and love. It's never a waste of time. Never.( I didn't take photos you really don't need to see me at this time of the day!)

I have so enjoyed this series this year and you have no idea how much your encouragement has meant to me. I have such a passion for people and families to love and enjoy each other and the thought that someone else might find this space helps/encourages them to do the same gives me such joy.

In 2013 I will continue this series on a Monday - including a linky so that you can help me to encourage, be encouraged and resource each other. I would love to have your input too.

And I have made a button - cue huge gasp! With help and direction and here it is :o)

Create Hope Inspire

So if you would like to join in with these posts anytime please grab the code on the right.

 I am making more of a conscious effort to have quality moments with my boys. B.M.W.B (becoming the mama I want to be)  is my way of recording and hopefully inspiring other mama’s too. 
 Simple. Achievable. Intentional: becoming the mama I want to be.


  1. It has been a lovely series, well done! On all fronts! Enjoy this special tme with your boys x

  2. I have loved this series and im so glad your continuing miriam, and i shall endeavour to join in in the new year. Have a wonderful christmas x

  3. I have enjoyed your posts, as they make me nostalgic for when my children were little. My oldest one is a teenager, and little one is heading that way, and being a mum seems to be getting challenging in different ways to when they were little. Wishing you a lovely Christmas.

  4. Miriam you have done SO well this year in this. I have loved reading all of your adventures, trials and successes! Thank you for being an inspiration to our family :)

    P.s, love the button, well done!!! xx

  5. Yay for making a button!
    No but seriously, I have really enjoyed this series and have long thought that you should open it up as a linky. There have been times during this year when I have been tempted to take the easy route in my parenting and have been reminded by the messages in some of your posts that I should slow down and enjoy my children as they are now. Thank you so much for this as it has led to some wonderful experiences!


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