
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wardrobe Wednesday - Going Public

Every Wednesday, Every Wardrobe Welcome

Thanks so much for coming to play today

I like to go out dressed up. It doesn't worry me that people sometimes look sideways at the particular ensemble I have chosen to wear. I am often a couple of steps above the generally accepted code required - at the supermarket, church, school run....

However this week I challenged myself in a new way I went public with my photo taking. Usually I take my photos in the privacy of my own home with the self timer (hoping the neighbour won't come down the driveway and see me posing!).

This week on Saturday we took our boys to the park and I happily snapped shots of them but then I got The Atlas (my hubby) to do my photos. Directly opposite me was a field of children playing cricket with their parents watching on. It was pretty obvious what we were doing.... and very not the kind of thing you usually see at your kids Saturday sport!

It was kind of awkward - being that I don't look like your average model, The Atlas doesn't look like a professional photographer and we had a gaggle of children on bikes with us! I've done filming in public before but that doesn't feel weird - all the equipment makes it seem official.

I think it also suddenly dawns on me that posing like this in public makes me feel like people must imagine I think that I'm all that and a box of crackers.... which I don't incidentally!!

I'm interested.... how do people react to you taking your photos?
Do you take them in public places with people watching on?
Do you feel weird about it? 

Dress - Handmade Simplicity 3673  made from Taffeta
Cardi - Salvation Army Op/Thrift Shop $3
Shoes - The Warehouse
Bracelet - Birthday gift from when I was a teenager
Ring - Hand-me-down
Earrings - Hand made from vintage buttons I received for my birthday last year
Necklace - 50cents school fair
Sunnies - dollar shop $5

So what is Wardrobe Wednesday?
  • It's a chance to take some time once a week to peel off the polar fleece trackies (I have a pair too!!) and put on something that gives you a chance to have a 'play' in your wardrobe, to make yourself feel pretty/ stylish/ like a woman!
  •  It's a time to celebrate and hopefully to embrace your body however you find it - post baby, young or old your body is lovely and functional and precious and I want this place to be a place for you to see other women (ordinary, beautiful women) who don't live in designer homes on designer budgets with designer bodies.

How to play?
1. Link in your specific blog post not just your general blog
2. Link to a post about clothes - that's what we're here for
3. Please add a link back here so other people can come over and see people's clothing posts too - the old fashioned way or grab a button
4. Be encouraging and visit people - leave a comment now and again too everyone loves to get encouragement

Here's the button copy and paste away
Create Hope Inspire Wardrobe Wednesday


  1. Hi Miriam, love your dress. I'm also a sewer and often make styles similar to the ones you pick. Could you tell me how you manage to level your hems? Kay

    1. I'm a bit of a random hemmer. I usually just try and turn it up about the same all the way around and then pin it and have a look. I think with some fabrics it is helpful to leave it hanging for a day or so, so the fabric can line up.... hope that is helpful

  2. I've also had funny looks - especially when the kids are acting as the photographers!

    I'm still trying to find the right spot at home to take pics so I think the neighbours are probably suspicious about why I wander the street taking pics of their fences!

    1. ha that is awesome. Loved your photo in the tree today

  3. Hi Miriam, thanks a lot for your question on my sweat dress blog post. You can lower the neckline as much as you like without it being gapey as long as you finish the neckline properly.

    I'd advise using a strip of the waist ribbing and making sure it is about 4cms shorter than the measurement of the neck hole you are binding. That way the neck hole will keep tight.

    Let me know if I can help further.

    All the best
    Zoe xx

    1. Excellent - thanks heaps Zoe I really appreciate you taking the time to reply :o)

  4. Great outfit! I struggle with photo's at the best of times so not a big fan of public ones! Though when it does happen I try to throw caution to the wind and not care! xx

    1. like at Annah Streton??? i agree it's easier when you just throw caution to the wind

  5. Haha - your question about photos made me laugh, although not for the same reason! But I'll share here anyway ;-)!

    The other night I went 'Christmas Wish-List' shopping for the kids, and started jotting down notes and amount on my smartphone to share with hubby... his birthday is also December, and we will be investing in a BBQ for him, so I said I'd check out the BBQ's there for him also! Well - there were only two, and really I don't know/care enough about them to be able to describe them to him - so I took photos of them both for him instead; in front of staff and other customers! There were plenty of sideways looks, but it was late by then and I was tired - so I didn't really care!

    1. ha ha funny - it does seem weird to have people watching but not really watching so you can't comment to them about it

  6. LOVE that outfit - your sunnies match your cardi how super sweet . . . . !! !!
    Oddly you do seem to notice in these photos that you aren't as comfortable as the photos you take in your own home

    I take mine myself with my iPhone in front of the mirror in the bedroom LOL

    1. Also I probably take more than The Atlas is willing to take in public too! But I agree they are a bit awkward looking

  7. You look fab!
    I'm too self-conscious for public photos like this, but I love seeing all the different backdrops. You're so natural in your photos x

    1. oh thank you - taking so many photos every week must be helping!

  8. That dress is just too cute!

    I take my pictures on my back deck or on my front porch. I'm way too *scream* to take pictures where others can see me. I don't even like when my family watches. LOL

    1. ha ha my family (the boys) try to get in on the action. Then they upstage me!!

  9. I love that dress! I find that I normally 'over dress' for the simple every day tasks, but you know what? Who cares, it makes me feel good! As for photos... I normally take my self portraits in a mirror... I'm going to venture into the self timer on my camera and take some outside. Thankfully I live kind of rural so I won't get the funny looks.

    1. Yes I guess it doesn't matter what the cows think :o)

  10. I prefer to style photos rather than be in them. Every. single. time. :) Evidence: this weeks effort, which you my dear took!

    1. In my head I'm a great stylist but really I want to be in front of the camera - maybe that's the strength of our friendship??

  11. You are soooooooooooo lovely in blue and pink.
    Thank you for wednesdays.

  12. I still feel incredibly awkward taking photos in public. My husband takes my photos, bless him, and we generally do have to go outside to take photos (our indoor lighting is really bad). But I try and scout around to make sure there's no one nearby (or as few people as possible), and then hurry up and take photos. It's a strange feeling, to feel so shy in one way in public, and then be so open so publicly in one sense online.

    By the way, love your bright blues and cap-toe flats! :)

    1. how true all out there online shy in real life. Although I don't know that anyone would describe me as shy :o)

  13. Love the pink! I am new to the link-up (and your blog) but am so excited to be a part :)

    Have a lovely rest of your Wednesday xo

    1. Yay! So glad you've come along to join in :o)

  14. Yay! Good for you, Miriam! I know it is such an awkward thing to try taking one's outfit pics in public, but these are lovely. I usually try to find a semi secluded place, but people still ogle, I've been kicked off the premises by police, and I have often tried to explain what a "personal style blogger" is. People are usually polite but bewildered. Again, I applaud your confidence, it paid off in pretty pics of this beautifully vivid outfit! ~Sarah

    1. Ha ha Sarah I can just imagine the dazed and confused looks - telling people you are a blogger - also awkward

  15. Lovely homemade dress and I love the colors on this outfit. Those shoes are lovely. I do am a bit shy when taking my outfit photos though, but somehow I manage. hehehe.. :)

  16. I still hide in my backyard to take pictures, hoping the neighbors aren't home and looking out their back windows, haha. Haven't quite worked up the nerve to take the tripod & remote out in public.

    Those shades of blue look great on you. :)


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