
Sunday, November 11, 2012

November Giveaway

Before November disappears entirely I want to make good on my monthly giveaway promise. I have so enjoyed doing these monthly giveaways. I recognise that generosity does not come naturally to me and so I have loved creating intentional opportunities (even if they are small!) to make it a habit.

Every December 1st I give my boys a book about Christmas so that over time we will gather up a large stash of them to read together during December on our lead up to Christmas. A while ago a friend recommended this book to me, I subsequently found a copy second-hand and then I found another one on TradeMe and because I liked it so much I bought the second one so I could give one away!

This book is about a little boy who lives in a caravan park and wants to enter the competition that the council is running for people to decorate their houses for Christmas. Being of meagre means he uses what he has and waits with great anticipation for the judges to come and visit his house (and they don't).... what could be such a sad story is in fact a beautiful and uplifting tale. I won't spoil the ending but I think this is a story anyone could love and enjoy.

It's also a New Zealand book which makes me very happy. There are so many great children's books and I'm always thrilled to find New Zealand ones to add to the collection.

Currently it is unavailable on Fishpond, Book Depository, Trade Me and Amazon doesn't appear to have it at all - so this could be your big chance!! :o)

If you would like to enter to win a good condition, second-hand (I know people have mixed feelings about 2nd hand and that's okay just want you to know so you are informed!!) copy of this book, leave me a comment. Tell me a children's book you love or a Christmas tradition you have.

I'll draw the winner on Nov 25th so hopefully I have time to get it to your family before Dec 1st so you can read it during the Christmas build up too.

Because I love the journeys and friendships blogging creates if you want to enter and you follow my blog (any old way) then remind me in your comment and I will enter you twice.

Have a wonderful day
Miriam x


  1. I would love to enter...we don't currently have a christmas book yet of our own....I'm intrigued to read the ending.....our fav book at the moment is my old book 'the tiger who came to tea' :)

  2. What a lovely prize Miriam - I'd love to win :)

    We have a tradition for my boys at Christmas of gifting a special book and one other present. We have quite a collection of Christmas stories too - although the boys love to read them year round!

  3. great prize it is hard to come by, the kids had it in their last scholastic book order but I missed the date. Anywho I have always loved 'the little yellow digger' but recently I order the kids a book called 'I love you stinky face' from the book orders and I'm thinking it might just be taking place as favourite book here!! We are also huge little critter fans :) oh and Hairy Mcleary, and spot...I loved spot as a kid

  4. Ohhh - would love to enter, and have been following your blog for ages now!!! Hehehe!!!!

    Like you, from this year on we are going to be buying one Christmas book a year for the kids, and also a DVD (as Christmas focused as we can find) to watch and read on Christmas Eve altogether.

    Loving starting family traditions!

  5. Ooh yes, my Elliot LOVES caravans - after our adventure with the windy tent and the overnight stay in one! Sounds like a lovely story.

  6. We have the same Christmas book tradition although we must have got more than one a year as we have more than 6.

    We also try and do a Christmas activity(put up the tree, reading, craft activity etc) each night in December.

  7. Lucky I popped back to check, because I couldn't remember if I'd entered this yet or not! This sounds like a gorgeous book, and I may just have to track it down even if I don't win! Thanks for a lovely giveaway Miriam! (And for joining in with my linky - hope you pop back soon! X)

  8. This year Miss M. is 3 and it's time to design our first Christmas traditions. Yesterday we bought her a tiny christmas tree so she can enjoy decorating it over the next few weeks any way she likes. I was going to give her a book on Christmas Eve but much prefer December 1! I have just joined your facebook site!
    Thanks Sarann

  9. We don't have one special book that we read for Christmas, our tradition is that I buy something beautiful either new or second hand and read it to the children from Poppy who left us a few years ago. He made me promise to keep this beautiful tradition up as he loved so much to read to me and when my girl was born to later read to her. He felt that it was so important and always picked her favourite stories and even when he was on oxygen and didn't have much breath to read would do so with amazing voices and enjoyment. It is something we treasure, It is almost like he is still in the room with us listening.

  10. I've needed a few days to decide which is my favourite book. I've still not decided. That's how I roll. But I am collecting books so that we'll have one per day in December in years to come. Here is a blog post I did with a really good list on Christmas books.

  11. I don't remember having a Christmas book as a child, and now it's my son's second Christmas where he's more likely to begin remembering things I'm excited to begin Christmas traditions. The only thing I have had in my mind is to read the real Christmas story on the day before we open up the presents - the one from Mark (I think that's the best one, it might be Matthew or Luke though.... I'll have to double-check).

  12. Great book! I haven't got a copy of it yet though... my all time favourite Christmas tradition would have to be water fights. Nearly every year we have had a water fight, for as long as I can remember. That and just spending the time with family.

  13. We do the book thing each year too! I like Slinky Malinki's Christmas Crackers by Lynley Dodd - such a fun book.

  14. Looks like a great book. We have a few Christmas books that are packed away and only come out in December. The favourite would have to be "A Kiwi Night Before Christmas" which is read nightly in Decemeber.

    Thanks for the chance.

  15. What a fun giveaway! I'm a teacher and absolutely love kids books! I have too many favourites to list but a few are - ALL Eric Carle books, each peach pear plum, we're going on a bear hunt, cops and robbers; the list goes on!
    A Christmas tradition is having someone dress up as Santa each year. It's almost an initiation for the new family members (partners)! But being in London and having Christmas away from home, It's not the same. Although, things may change this year! :)

  16. Ohhh this book sounds great. As you know we are starting a new Christmas tradition this year - a Book Advent. I can't wait. We love reading. We have so many favourites - currently Roadworks, Wonky Donky, The Fidgety Itch, Going on a Bear Hunt and A Fish out of Water .. just to name a few haha.

  17. Love your blog it's great! Our Christmas tradition is to read the Christmas story out of the bible and talk about it with our kids, sometimes I read and they act it out, very funny, especially for the child who has to be the donkey.

  18. Thanks for the chance to win... this book looks really lovely. our daughter is 2 so still developing traditions, but they include reading the christmas story on christmas eve and opening stockings in our bed on christmas morning!


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