
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Make My Week #46 - Hoop Birth Record

I first saw this neat embroidery on Cat's blog here

and when I saw her last month I asked if I could copy it - I kind of free-handed it rather than properly followed because, well you know how I roll :o) (unless you are new in which case I'm not much of a pattern follower)

I have made this for my brand new beautiful niece and seeing as she is unlikely to see or remember this post I thought I'd debut it here.

My niece lives in London so this also has the advantage of being very light to send.

What things do you make that are light to send internationally?

Joining in with creative inspiration at our creative spaces - blue button down on the right.

Did you enter my November giveaway??


  1. Oooh, this is cute! I have done one of these for a friend's new baby, but I did bunting rather than a little picture. It's such a great idea for a present for a new baby: creative, original and cheap!

  2. I'm going to Pin it as a reminder!

  3. It's really charming and lovely. The perfect handmade present for a new baby. Wish I had thought of this when mine were little.

    1. Thanks so much Tania - it's not an original idea

  4. Wow - it's beautiful - what a wonderful gift :-)

  5. LOVE it - looks fabulous
    We did have a creative weekend didn't we !! !!

  6. Love that sweet house...I really love the hooped embroidery projects..another one to add to the list of to do's! :)
    I usually send knitted clothing for my brother and his family overseas..just in time for winter :)

  7. Have you ever looked up "13 ounces or less"? Basically a whole array of gift ideas that are light to send by mail.


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